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Mystery the Rescue Zebra is the Best Babysitter

When you have a Zebra in your yard its funny because the first thing people say wil say is `Is that a Zebra??`

After being rescued from a petting zoo, Mystery became the best nanny ever to the baby cows on the farm, she would take to any of the calves who came along. Mystery has such an affinity with the cows Jen and Tray Federici, who run the Surf and Turf Sanctuary in Pierce County, Washington, USA aren`t sure whether Mystery actually believes she is a cow!
Mystery The Zebra
Mystery has taken on the role of watchdog and protector of the herd, keeping watch 24/7.

Watch the full story below! Mystery`s favorite thing to do is take care of the calves at her sanctuary!! You can follow all the latest news from Jen and Trat Federici, Mystery and all the other animals at the Surf and Turf Sanctuary on Instagram, thesurfandturfsanctuary.

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Mystery the Rescue Zebra is the Best Babysitter